Services and Products
Do you need the right advice, pro-active support and at the lowest cost?
Protel specialises in all areas of a businesses communication services and will only recommend ‘tried and tested’ products and services on the best networks in Australia. To start the process, Protel will audit your current costs and services, discuss your wish list, current issues and then make clear recommendations including costings and projections so you can make an informed decision. In many cases the cost savings we identify will offset the cost of implementing your new services and wish list.
Protel specialise in:
- Cloud based fully hosted phone solutions, soft phone and Mobile apps, such as 3CX
- Advice on Premise based phone systems such as NEC, Panasoni, Avaya and Samsung to name a few.
- Data & Internet solutions including NBN, Fibre up to speeds of 1000Mb, 4G redundancy, VPN’s and Fixed Wireless.
- 1300/13/1800 inbound services, Phone words and national inbound routing services for multiple office sites.
- Independent audits and cost reduction. Protel has been providing auditing services for over 20 years. In over 95% of cases we will find savings of over 20%. See Case Studies
- Remote workforce, multiple offices and working from home solutions
- Conferencing
- Cost Centre billing and a single monthly account for all your communication services.
Protel’s Office Phones
- The phone options now available in the market are unlimited and each will have a different impact on your business. Whether you are looking for a Cloud based IP system, Premise based system or a combination of both with Web/PC and Mobile applications, working your way through the options is often a daunting task. Many businesses end up paying far more than they need to and are not fully aware of all the costs until it is too late. Protel takes the confusion out of the process and explain in simple terms the options, benefits and costings upfrint and ongoing. You can then make an informed decision.
- Office phones are either Hosted Cloud based or Premise based systems. For example: Cloud based fully hosted solutions such as 3CX. Premise based systems such as NEC, Panasonic, Avaya and Samsung to name a few.
- 3CX - Next Generation Office IP phone system. A fully hosted solution. The benefits include:
- Costs far less than the other Cloud based or Premise based solutions. Easier to deploy, manage and expand without extra costs and ongoing tech visits.
- No per extension licencing. Users can be added at no extra cost.
- Protel and/or the customer can remotely manage the system and users from anywhere with a simple to use Web based application
- Feature rich and changes ca be made instantly without the need for costly onsite technicians. Includes Call Reporting and Call Recording option.
- Manage calls and your extension via a Deskphone, desktop app, web client or IOS/Android mobile app from anywhere in the world. Ideal for a remote workforce or when you are on the move.
- Many options to remotely manage Call Flow, messaging, business hours, after hours and special holiday messages
- Why does Protel prefer to Use and recommend 3CX as a Hosted IP Phone solution? More than 600,000 businesses and 12,000,000 users across 190 countries trust 3CX to support their business, connect and collaborate. Some of the clients that depend on 3CX include: Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, IKEA, Pizza Hut and Coca Cola. Protel also has clients who are smaller two person businesses benefiting from 3CX and include customers in the Medical, Legal, Accountancy, Manufacturing, Finance and Aged Care. See Case Studies
Protel’s Data
- Protel has access to wholesale Data arrangements with Australia's leading network providers including Telstra, NBN, AAPT and TPG to name a few. Depending on our client's needs and location, Protel will find the most cost effective solution
- Fibre up to 1000Mb unlimited data
- NBN Consumer and Business Grade service - NBN Fibre is now being rolled out to replace FTTN (Fibre to the Node) and FTTC (Fibre to the Curb) inferior services.
- Fixed Wireless internet, when Fibre and other reliable Internet options are not available.
- Mobile redundancy services - A solution when your Phone and Office internet access is critical and downtime is not acceptable.
Inbound 1300/13/1300 services
- The way your business is presented to the market is critical. Inbound 1300/13/1800 numbers help with professionalism, give your business a national presence, can cut your Customer's cost when calling you, improve call routing options and disaster recovery and you can bring the number anywhere in Australia if relocating the office. If your site lost power or internet and phone services are not available, there are emergency call routing options to easily redirect calls.
Tips to help your business
- Contracts – Contracts for phone and data services can often be avoided. Protel clients have access to ongoing rate reductions even if contract are applicable.
- Contract reviews and office relocations – This is the perfect time to have Protel audit your current costs and services and maximise the result for your business. Protel often manage this process for our clients and audit other competitor’s submissions. Protel will resent are clear summary of each offer's impact to your business and raise questions to ask or clarify, eliminate the confusion, so you can easily compare ‘apples with apples’.
- New Phones and Upfront Costs – Often when a business needs to upgrade phone and other hardware they are locked into contract and/or end up paying excessive amounts to upgrade systems. For example: if purchasing new business grade phones or headsets for the office, as a guide, allow approximately $300 per item. Prices can vary from below $200 per unit to over $700, depending on the hardware needed. Protel has come across many businesses who locked into paying over 60% more than they needed to pay.
- Technology Fund and Credits on your Account - Be aware of ‘Technology Funds’ or other Credit offers being provided by your Provider. In most cases these are offset by higher costs in other areas. Protel can confirm and uncover these issues on your current billing with our audit.
- Wholesale or Retail? – Since deregulation of the Telecommunications market over 25 years ago. Many of the major National Network providers such as Telstra, Optus and AAPT now offer wholesale and retail services. A large number of Australian businesses now use a Wholesale partner to manage their Phone and Data services. There are many wholesale partners to choose from (Protel being one) and each offer a different level of service, pricing and product suite. Wholesale is rapidly growing and tends to be able to offer reduced cost and a more personal locally based Account Management service, when compared to Retail Carrier services. Retail Sales teams tend to be commission based and not involved in the ongoing Account management, while Wholesale Sales teams tend to not be commission based and are also the Account manager, more accountable! If you currently receive a Telstra, Optus or other Carrier branded bill then you are via their Retail division. Times are changing. I similar scenario is; when you buy a new Car, you don’t buy it directly from the Manufacturer you go to a Dealer, who also provides the ongoing service. Telecommuncations is now the same!
- Are you currently having Service delivery and Support issues? – If you are having issues with phone services, voice quality, internet reliability and a general lack of support from your current provider, this does not have to be the case and can easily be fixed. Service delivery issues and reliability problems are usually due to the business receiving the wrong advice, wrong products and/or systems are not correctly in place. The Solution - No obligation….just contact Protel.